I had a great session today with the last senior we have booked for the 09 graduation class. I love hearing about what each grad is planning on doing for their future career path. Ms. N told me that she was foregoing doing the traditional "safe" subjects and looking to go into something to help gear her for a more creative vocation. This is always exciting to me, because I think a lot of times kids are either discouraged or just simply not encouraged to go into what many may think to be an unstable or somewhat dangerous carreer choice. Personally, it wasn't until after I obtained my bachelors and masters degree that I gave photography a chance. In fact, if God had not so blatantly placed it in my lap, I still may not be doing something that I love waking up each day to do. So, class of 09 I encourage each of you to hold on to what you love and if you can make a career out of doing what your passionate about.....GO FOR IT!
"Our gifts are our gift from God, what we do with those gifts are our gift back to him"
-Eleanor Powell
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