As many of you may know, I got married this past Saturday. I figured a lot of people would be curious to see what some of my wedding pictures looked like so I thought I would post a couple (ok so I ended up showing more than a couple but I just loved how everything turned out). For those of you wondering who I got to do my photography........that would be Yours Truly (ME) I know it sounds crazy and in fact it was crazy. I knew I wouldn't be happy with someone else's images so I decided to take on the photography myself. I must admit that I do love the images I got, but am bummed about not being able to capture everything. I really wish I would have been able to capture more family shots for sure. I also wanted to give some shout outs to all the fabulous people that helped make this wedding so beautiful.
First is to Kim from the Rock House Flowers. She did an amazing job not only with the flowers and decor of the wedding, but also by helping it flow smoothly as well. She put so much thought and planning into this wedding and I can't thank her enough.
Second is to Amanda from The Garden District. Not only was the food absolutely delicious but it looked killer awesome too! Plus, she is totally hysterical and has a fun assistant Anna.
Also a big shout out to Mikey and April for your help both before during and after the wedding.
Also thank you to both sides of our family for helping pull this off and supporting us through the whole process. I love you all more than words can express and thank God that he blessed me with such wonderful gifts!
Also I want to thank Brady Mac, for being the most amazing son in the world. Whenever I was and am stressed out, just looking at him puts my entire world right again.
To Shannon (my groom) I love you and thank you for treating me the way every woman wants and deserves to be treated. I never wonder where I stand with you or if you would rather be with anyone but me. You make me happy to be the person that I am and leave me with the desire to be more. I love you with all my heart!
Lastly (but not least), I want to thank all my family that attended the wedding: Shannon, Brady Mac, Jasey, Big Dad, Memaw, Mom, Ken, Chris, Dad, Sherry, Jeffrey, Drew, Jane, Roger, Brian, Grandma Dot, Aunt Kim and Katie. And to those of you who couldn't come: Randy, Megan, Anna, Wyatt, Kelsey and Kristen I love yall and missed yall!
With All My Love, Amber
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